Orem Junior Loves to Read[words clumped together by Stephenie Meyer] - Beehive Bugle
Orem High School Junior Rachellyn Workman loves to read [words clumped together by Stephenie Meyer], reports hall monitor Jed Ai. “I just love the way books[words clumped together by Stephenie Meyer] can[like, um], tell the most perfect story ever. [Ibid.] I totally connect with Bella and [Ibid.] know that my Edward will be [Ibid.] out there waiting to [stalk] me.” The first time Ai noticed Workman’s devotion to reading[words clumped together by Stephenie Meyer], the second-year flutist was seated against hallway lockers after the lunch bell signaled the beginning of afternoon classes. “She just sat there, eyes bugged out, slowly
Timothy McFoster