10:02 am
22 February 2025

WHAT SAITH THE LORD NOW?- Wikileaks Forces Pull of New Revelation at General Conference

WHAT SAITH THE LORD NOW?- Wikileaks Forces Pull of New Revelation at General Conference

Maybe next year

SALT LAKE CITY — Church officials are reeling after Wikileaks posted advanced copies of this week’s revelations from the in-progress General Conference.  The infamous whistleblower site posted information about several new temples, missionary numbers, and perhaps most controversially, a draft of a new Proclamation to the World that would support non-traditional families, including those with gay couples.

A section from the Wikileaks report is excerpted here:

Aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us that at some time, in God’s eternal plan, all of our faithful may receive the blessings that a strong family unit provides, and witnessing the faithfulness of those from whom the acknowledgement of legitimacy has been withheld, we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these, our faithful members, spending many hours in the Upper Room of the Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance.

He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy person in the Church may be sealed to each other as family, to be together for eternity with our Father in Heaven, and enjoy with his loved ones every blessing that flows therefrom, including the blessings of the sanctioned family. Accordingly, all worthy  members of the Church may be sealed eternally as family without regard for marital status, sexual orientation, coupled racial mix, or gender identity. Priesthood leaders are instructed to follow the policy of carefully interviewing all candidates to insure that they meet the otherwise-established standards for worthiness.


This time, the truth stays in.

The leak of these documents necessitated a last minute pull of the planned announcement.  Shelley Dayton, PR Assistant Director for mormonnewsroom.org, said, “Revelations are a tricky business in the age of whistleblower media.  It is imperative not only that important announcements are revealed, but that they are seen to be revealed from the Prophet, and the First Presidency.  Any information from outside of those channels must by necessity be rendered moot and untrue, lest any conflicting information confound members of the church.”

Shelley went on to say, “I guess this just isn’t the year for the gays after all.  That’s a shame, of sorts, insofar as it is affecting single parents and adoptive families along with those gays.”

Speculation as to the source of the leak was discouraged by Dayton.  “We shouldn’t try to know, probably.  It could have been anyone, anyone else at all.”

An inside source was concerned about what kind of material might replace President Monson’s historic announcement.  When pressed, he suggested, “…faith??  I don’t know, it’s a problem.  The smart money’s on ‘Faith,’ though.”

The entire text of the Wikileaks document can be found below.


October 6, 2013

To all general and local priesthood officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world:

Dear Brethren:

As we have witnessed the expansion of the work of the Lord over the earth, we have been grateful that people of many nations have responded to the message of the restored gospel, and have joined the Church in ever-increasing numbers. This, in turn, has inspired us with a desire to extend to every worthy member of the Church all of the privileges and blessings which the gospel affords.

We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.

And yet, throughout the history of the Church, people of every race and ethnicity in many non-traditional families have been baptized and have lived as faithful members of the Church.

The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to the creation of the children of God, who will enact His eternal plan.  However, the institution of family does not and should not be limited to that condition in which only some fortunate few can be born into.

Families have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other. Children are an heritage of the Lord. Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.  None of these responsibilities are diminished by the absence of a father or mother figure.  In fact, the responsibility increases as resources diminish.

Aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the Church who have preceded us that at some time, in God’s eternal plan, all of our faithful may receive the blessings that a strong family unit provides, and witnessing the faithfulness of those from whom the acknowledgement of legitimacy has been withheld, we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these, our faithful members, spending many hours in the Upper Room of the Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance.

He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy person in the Church may be sealed to each other as family, to be together for eternity with our Father in Heaven, and enjoy with his loved ones every blessing that flows therefrom, including the blessings of the sanctioned family. Accordingly, all worthy  members of the Church may be sealed as family without regard for marital status, sexual orientation, coupled racial mix, or gender identity. Priesthood leaders are instructed to follow the policy of carefully interviewing all candidates to insure that they meet the otherwise-established standards for worthiness.

We declare with soberness that the Lord has now made known his will for the blessing of all his children throughout the earth who will hearken to the voice of his authorized servants, and prepare themselves to receive every blessing of the gospel.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas S. Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The First Presidency


  • Pingback: Mormon Church revises the family proclamation to the world that include homosexual & interracial couple - Stormfront

  • This is sacrilege! Tragically, I heard some celestial marriage bonds were literally broken by the breaking news of yesterday’s supreme court decision.

  • I’ll remind you, when Joseph Smith started the Mormon church, he said god told him that the job, of that church, was going to be to destroy the hold of all the other churches. All of them.
    Ultimately to a considerable degree this means – not meant, as in some archaic, or esoteric, or obsolescent take on it – ultimately to free people from the Mormon church as well; and all of the higher mormons of the early church were known to be aware of how the way the mormon church is set up, constricted the sh** out of peoples’ lives: but J S was supposed to draw the best from the other churches and from without them: tell them all a fantastic light – freedom from these churches’ enslavement of anybody that moved – was gonna come forth, and – through the mormon church first.

    Mormons brought the world freedom indeed when one invented television and enforceable civil rights movements were finally founded, based on video evidence of the wrongdoing being ‘shouted from the housetops’ to coin a biblical phrase.

    This means that the church was organized to resemble those other ones and draw people out who were dedicated to an extraordinary amount of output in the worshipping of this god of the Adamics/Bible/Apocrypha who has the form of a man, yet hides from mankind.

    In most review of the sum of these writings by smith including people surrounding him who influenced others, we know that after the civil war Utah was overrun by fleeing confederates who significantly changed Utahns’ views on blacks, and we know their polygamous movement was run underground, and generally speaking, they melded into the American institutions and culture.

    But their movement was always: and as I understand it as told to me by an old mormon grandpa when I was briefly married to a mormon woman – to free the entire world, from every, single, unfair, falsely binding, exaggerated or disproportionate rule.

    The mormons have a very compelling movement in that regard. For many years I remember that it was mormon fbi agents who got the idea to call television stations into the deep south and film the abuses of black people that were going on. There was one main one, but he employed a bunch of returned mormon missionaries to help him work the deep south because everyone else was pretty much afraid of igniting a local civil war, but to mormon young boys, their entire mission in life followed the admonition that one day, through mormons, the people shackled by all those churches, were going to be set free.
    I don’t know for sure if they got the idea of calling the national networks before, or after they found out they (the KKK) were using their churches to plan their terrorism. They were doing murders, burning peoples’ churches and houses down, raping and bludgeoning people, ruining their health, robbing them blind, not giving them jobs, it was really bad. What’s on youtube is only a small small portion of the extent of the moral corrosion.
    I studied the events as part of my studies of the sixties in college and had mormon parents-in-law who were also legal and history buffs, and they had an entire library of materials on mormons, mormon metaphysics. It was pretty good. I developed actually a love for the science of diffusionism: which is “where do all these people in the americas come from, when, how, etc.
    The most interesting thing they ever sent me past the FBI story, and how mormons invented television and a whole lot of things signature of the 20th century: the electric guitar, several of the Western powers’ most legendary weapons platforms – television as I said, and several other things – mormons wired the mercury/apollo space capsules as mormon missionaries in the FBI were in the deep south fighting racism, i remembered that.
    (sorry f/t/rambe) the most interesting thing they ever sent me past that FBI/setting all the world free with all those technologies thing, starting all these video-backed civil rights movements –

    was a link to youtube he sent me about a man named Wayne May who discovered that some Canadians had discovered a group of natives of north america who did, and still do have a written language that is comprised almost entirely of egyptian, and chinese.

    Also he went through how these people – if smith said they buried a book written in egyptian – also lived, one of the regions their tribes held sway over: was right where Smith lived.
    But effectively nobody knew these natives have a language based in egyptian until the 1990s. That is eerily coincidental considering furthermore the realization about these people led May and others to compare the book of mormon nephites with the Hopewell civilization as described by science – not mormons – and they overlap perfectly.

    Wayne May and the Hopewell civilization is a very interesting story.

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