01:40 am
26 March 2025

BRIEF: Eleven Blue-Bandana-Clad Men Demand Money Back After Leaving Downtown SLC’s The Leonardo Museum

BRIEF: Eleven Blue-Bandana-Clad Men Demand Money Back After Leaving Downtown SLC’s The Leonardo Museum
The let down was compared to the feeling of going to or exiting a Michael Bay movie.
The let down was compared to the feeling of going to or exiting a Michael Bay movie.

The let down was compared to the feeling of going to or exiting a Michael Bay movie.

BRIEF: Eleven Blue-Bandana-Clad Men Demand Money Back After Leaving Downtown SLC’s The Leonardo Museum

Correspondents and witnesses tried to talk to the departed, but couldn’t get a word in before the cold-blooded strangers disappeared into the street.

Bystanders claim the disgruntled zeroes in a sad-shell sauntered off with what are hoped to be plastic, sheathed shinobigatanas draped haphazardly off woeful shoulders.