Four years ago Chad Worthington was working behind the bar at the Iggy’s Sports Grill in Orem when World Cup fever hit Utah Valley.
“Let me tell you, that was a rough couple of weeks,” said Worthington, now an assistant manager at the location. “If I have to deal with one more World Cup Mission Reunion I am going to lose it.”
According to Worthington former LDS missionaries who served in World Cup qualifying countries descend on Iggy’s “like locusts. Teetotaling, annoying as hell, locusts. ”
“They are all draped in flags and jabbering in their adopted tongue, calling everyone by their last names. And none of them actually give a damn about soccer,” Worthington said. “My only hope now is that I contract mono or something.”

Evan Bagley, who served his LDS mission in France three years ago, reacts to his team being called offside; a rule he clearly does not understand.
“Chile rules! We are going to kick Australia’s trash!” screamed Charles Christiansen, an international business major at BYU who returned from the South American country two years ago. “The Chilean people are so awesome. Just so humble and junk.” He then complained to Worthington about the lack of ceviche on the menu.
Iggy’s management has tripled their normal order of diet soda. “If last time is any indication I will be saying ‘Is Diet Pepsi Ok?’ in my sleep for the next month,” Worthington said.
“Columbia is going to beat the shiz out of Greece!” screamed Bryson Smart, an international business major at BYU. “Colombians fetching love them some fùtbol. My comps and I would always play with the kids. Got a grip of baptisms just by being willing to play in the street. Such humble people.”
For Worthington the cheers and chants are made twice as tiresome because the revelers refuse to drink. “But the worst is when the game ends and they decide to all link arms, sway back and forth and sing ‘God Be With You Till We Meet Again’ in Portuguese. I just might take my own life this time. I’m serious.”
“Bosnia and Herzegovina is most likely going to do poorly against Argentina!” screamed Thom Robertson, an international business major at BYU. “I love the people of B&H, but they do lack some humility. My brother served in Argentina and he says the people there are like super humble. They will probably do really well.”
“Just kill me,” said Worthington as he stacked glasses. “Just fucking kill me.”
There’s nothing worse than sober RMs.
Im an R.M. from Mexico City, But i was born in Argentina. I’ve always appreciated Mexican culture and latin culture because its who i am and I’ve appreciated those things BEFORE the mish. I don’t mind RM’s loving their mission and all… but being obnoxious about it, bugs me. They didnt get into futbol until they got on their missions. And all of a sudden they’re obsessed w/ it??? i see RM’s going crazy over yerba mate, latin dance, sushi, or whatever that resembles their mish, oh and even funnier, they look for spouses of that culture or language. I don’t mind, its their life… but i wold appreciate that they don’t go crazy over it and keep it calm!
Hahaha. Now i know why all the RMs on my Facebook go nuts over soccer! Satire? Perhaps not!
LO Fucking L. It pains me to say that when in El Salvador 2004-2006 I bought a David Beckham Real Madrid jersey. 🙁