01:10 am
26 March 2025

Draper Mayor Mandates Citywide Trampoline Ownership

Draper Mayor Mandates Citywide Trampoline Ownership
If Mayor Walker gets his way Draper will be "bouncing" into a new logo.

One Utah mayor is looking to get a “jump” on other cities in the Beehive State. Mayor Troy K. Walker of Draper announced a proposal at last night’s Draper City council meeting that would mandate citywide trampoline ownership.

“Backyard trampolines are part of Draper’s heritage,” said Walker in his opening remarks. “This proposed ordinance ensures that generations to come will have access to this most wholesome activity.”

The ordinance, as it is presently written, would require that “…all residential homeowners within city boundaries have a trampoline of no less than 9 feet in diameter in their backyard.” If passed, residents who currently don’t have trampolines would have 90 days to purchase one. The ordinance would also set aside money so that those who can’t afford a trampoline can apply for a voucher that would offset some of the cost.

“Right now we have about 78% trampoline penetration,” Walker said. “That is pretty good, but I think we can do better. We should do better. We owe that to the children of Draper.”

At times during his presentation Walker waxed nostalgic. “Some of my best memories as a child growing up here in Draper were on a trampoline,” Walker said. “They are not just for jumping you know—they are also great for sleeping on under the stars.”

If Mayor Walker gets his way Draper will be "bouncing" into a new logo.

If Mayor Walker gets his way Draper will be “bouncing” into a new logo.

But not everyone on the Draper City council shares the mayor’s enthusiasm for trampolines. “There is a reason they call them tramps,” said councilwoman Marsha Vawdrey. “I know plenty of young women who have accidently broken their hymens at trampoline parties over the years. Mayor Walker might be a fan of all that youthful bouncing, but not me.”

The cost of the proposed ordinance was also a concern that had some citizens “hopping” mad. “This is yet another example of government overreach at its worst,” said Robert Falcone, a Draper resident who spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting. “My children worked all summer at their lemonade stand to earn the money for their trampoline, and now I am going to have to tell them ‘Sorry kids, the poor folks down the street get one for free.’” Falcone then accused Walker of being in the pocket of “Big Trampoline.”

A public records request revealed that Walker did receive a significant campaign contribution from the National Trampoline Manufacturers Association, a pro backyard recreation lobby based in Washington D.C.