06:07 pm
26 March 2025

Unopened Envelope Ushers in Schrödehlin’s Cat Paradox

Unopened Envelope Ushers in Schrödehlin’s Cat Paradox
Schrödehlin's cat

A living man is placed across from Temple Square along with an unopened envelope, a camera, a vial of testimony, and a very small amount of radioactive Reddit posts. If even a single upvote of the Reddit post resonates during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip the camera to go live on Facebook, which will, in turn, break the vial of testimony and cause the man to opine. What if he doesn’t open the envelope to see what the so-called “positive interaction” entails?

Since uncorrelated suggestions are presumed hostile until proven otherwise by revelatory means, any persons, events, groups, or online forums are given a magnified scrutiny widely known as Schrödehlin’s cat. Especially when said persons, events, groups, or online forums invite or compel the media.

The paradox between what the faithful hold to be true about the nature and behavior of the LDS Church on the personal level and what ordinary citizens observe to be true on the church leadership level with the unaided human eye is truly the clash of the day.

Are they in or are they out? Should they stay or should they go now? If they go there will be trouble. If they stay there will be double. It’s always tease, tease, tease. They’re happy when they’re on their knees. One day it’s fine and next it’s black. So if you want them off your back, well, come on and let us know. Should they stay or should they go?

Perhaps it’s a diss to fellowship to even wonder what will end up happening.