Take your eyes off the skies: It’s not just Santa Claus’s magical sleigh rocketing upwards, but the financial returns of a secret North Pole slush fund, according to the whistleblower complaint filed today with the International Monetary Fund. According to the former investment manager/lead giggle operations officer, Claus has amassed about $100 billion in toys, gifts, non-perishable sugar-plums, gift cards, and other fun-gible funds intended for merrimentable purposes.

The confidential document, received by the IMF on 20 Dec., accuses the Kringle Group of misleading participating holiday practitioners – and possibly breaching international trade and monetary policies – by stockpiling their holiday wishes, instead of using them for their intended purpose of the spread of holiday cheer and delight.
“Claims being currently circulated are based on a narrow perspective and limited information,” said Kringle representative, Rumple Tum Twigger, a glee little pixie with a twink of magic in his eye. When asked if there were plans to broaden the public’s perspective with further information, he giggled, snapped his fingers twice, and disappeared into the night, as if he’d never been there at all.
The disclosure comes as a serious shock to some, causing droves to question their faith in the institution of Santa Claus. Meanwhile, apologists have defended the move as within the Group’s rights, to prepare a “snowy day” fund to prepare for the Christmases of future generations.
Whatever happens in the days to come, it seems clear that Santa’s got a new “war on Christmas” on his hands.